Friday, March 16, 2007

Perfection Rejection

Am I the only one that has an image of who I would like to be as a person, yet never do anything about it?

Like this weekend, I have things I'd like the ideal version of me to accomplish. I truly think that if I accomplish these things I'd be happier for it. It's nothing groundbreaking, just wandering around for a few hours and maybe working on a paper I have due for class. Instead, I'll just squander oodles of time and piss the weekend away.

I used to play a cheesy racing game called F-Zero on Nintendo. One of its coolest features was that you could literally race yourself. After running the track once, you could race the ghost image of your old race. Really kind of unnerving, if you thought about it too much.

How much would you shit your pants if the ideal version of yourself walked up and looked you in the eye? They'd probably be harder-working, more physically fit, and extremely balanced. Your ideal self would look at you, sitting on the couch covered in Cheese Puffs and glazed over from one too many episodes of McGuyver, and shudder inconsolably. Then it would leave, silently, and throw itself off of a bridge.

Man. That's pretty fuckin' depressing to think about. I need some Cheese Puffs and a plot about an exploding science lab.

By the way, that's not me in the painting. But I have to admit, my abs are about as chiseled as that guy's face.

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